?4 14. Ten "Bowman" steam disinfectors, eight of a stationary and two of a portable type, were purchased for use in the Punjab Steam disinfectors. during the year under report from Messrs. Richardson and Cruddas of Bombay. These were despatched by the above-named firm as follows :- (1) One to Delhi on 30th September 1902. (2) One to Mooltan on 27th November 1902. (3) One to Amritsar on 31st January 1903. (4) Two to Simla on 4th March 1903, (5) One to Gurdáspur on 5th March 1903. (6) One to Ráwalpindi on 5th March 1903. (7) One to Ambala on 10th March 1903. (8) Two portable to Ambala on 15th March 1903. The Delhi machine was transferred to Lahore and the one of Mooltan to Delhi. Two of the 3 machines at Ambala were disposed of as follows :- One each transferred to Jullundur and Lahore. 15. The Central Disinfection Depôt, as already reported, satisfactorily fulfilled the purpose for which it was established. In Central Disinfection Depôt. addition, as will appear later, it proved very useful in connection with inoculation operations. In the subjoined table are shewn abstracts of the transaction and of the accounts of the Depôt for each quarter of the year under report.