?5 Table showing quarterly the stock purchased and issued as well as the Expenditure incurred by the Central Disinfection Depôt, Jullundur, from 1st October 1902 to 30th September 1903. QUARTER ENDING STOCK IN HAND, PURCHASED AND ISSUED. EXPENDITURE. Amount of stock in hand in the beginning of the quarter. Amount of disinfectants, &c., purchased during the quarter. Total cost of disinfectants, &c., in depôt during the quarter. Cost of disinfectants issued from depot during the quarter. Cost of disinfectants in hand in the depot at the end of quarter. Superintendent's allowances. Establishment's pay and other allowances. Office contingencies. Remarks. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. 31st December 1902 13,225 14 4 325 0 9 13,550 15 1 5,073 1 9 8,477 13 4 150 0 0 637 12 10 57 9 3 31st March 1903 8,477 13 4 8,161 7 9 16,639 5 1 7,126 13 9 9,512 7 4 150 0 0 519 0 0 101 5 0 30th June 1903 9,512 7 4 5,336 11 6 14,849 2 10 5,549 9 2 9,299 9 8 150 0 0 547 7 11 153 14 9 30th September 1903 9,299 9 8 554 6 0 9,853 15 8 986 5 7 8,867 10 1 150 0 0 532 12 0 82 0 9