?7 pneumonic plague occurred, and that in the Jhang District the pneumonic type of plague was most common in the cold weather. But little reference is made by District Plague Medical Officers as to variations in the severity of plague during different seasons of the year or at different periods of the epidemic. The District Plague Medical Officer, Jullundur, remarks that the case mortality was lower in the Nawashahr Tahsíl than in the more recently infected parts of the district. A mild type of plague is said to have prevailed in the Montgomery District. No villages appear to have been especially liable or immune to attacks of plague. Some District Plague Medical Officers assert that the case mortality was greater among females than males. Persons on plague duty did not appear to be especially liable to attacks of the disease, and only an official-a Hospital Assistant in the Ferozepore District-was attacked ; he recovered. Railway inspection posts. 20. Under the orders of Government railway inspection posts were established from November 1st, 1902, to January 21st, 1903, at Rewári, Rohtak, Sonepat and Ambala in connection with the Coronation Darbár. The railway inspection post at Gháziabad in the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh was also temporarily placed under the control of the Punjab Government. A detailed report on the working of these inspection posts has already been submitted. The subjoined table gives, month by month, the medical staff and their establishment at these posts, together with the number of passengers examined at each, and plague cases and deaths detected.