?9 An inspection post was established at Kálka Railway' Station from the 14th of March to 22nd of May 1903 during the move of Government of India and of the Punjab Government to Simla. No plague cases were detected during the period. The medical staff and establishment at this post was as follows :- 1 Inspecting Medical Officer, 1 Nurse, 1 Dhái, 1 Compounder, 1 Clerk. Officers, subordinates and others proceeding to Simla in connection with the move of the Punjab Government were medically examined at the Lahore Railway Station, between May 12th and 18th, 1903. Road inspection posts. 21. Medical inspection of passengers and disinfection of their effects was carried on throughout the year at the Tára Devi and Tattoo Plague Inspection Posts in the Simla District. Two other inspection posts were established in April,-one at Dunera in the Gurdáspur District for the protection of Dalhousie, the other at the 17th milestone on the Ráwalpindi-Murree Road for the protection of Murree. These remained open during the remainder of the year. All road inspection posts were provided with steam disin- fectors. The strength of the medical staff employed and number of persons inspected, &c., are given in table below :- Table showing the Medical Staff on duty at the undermentioned Road Inspection Posts and the number of persons inspected, &c., during 1902-03. Serial No. Name of Inspection Post. Number of Commissioned Medical Officers. Number of Assistant Surgeons. Number of Hospital Assistants. Number of Dhàis. Number of passengers inspected. Number of passengers whose effects were disinfected. Number of passengers detained. DETECTED. Plague cases. Plague deaths. 1. Tára Devi (Simla District) 1 1 3 1 96,482 41,738 16 1 2 Tattoo (Simla District). 1 2 1 106,547 22,969 3 3 Dunera (Gurdáspur) 1 1 1 21,943 2,884 6 1 4 17th milestone, Murree Road Inspection Post (Ráwalpindi). 1 2 1 28,289 508 47 Total Number 1 4 8 4 253,261 68,099 72 2 Delhi Coronation Darbár. 22. In connection with the Coronation Darbár the following medical staff was specially deputed to Delhi in connection with plague arrangements made during the Darbár period :- (1) Doctor Heron. (2) Assistant Surgeon G. C. Chaterjee with 12 Hospital Assistants, together with 1 Jamadár and 20 disinfectors. The whole of the staff above noted was to work under the orders of the Civil Sur- geon of Delhi.