?11 Table showing the Charges for Bubonic Plague in the Punjab for the year from October 1902 to September 1903-concluded. Heads. Provincial. Local. REMARKS. District Establishment-concld. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. English medicines purchased in the local market 723 13 4 11,055 8 4 English medicines supplied by the Military Department Rents 424 14 4 16 0 0 Cost of steam disinfectors and desiccators, &c. * 43,694 12 8 Postage charges 1,956 9 6 1,645 3 0 Telegram charges 348 1 0 200 5 6 Country medicines 36 2 11 Miscellaneous 37,535 9 7 23,235 15 2 Delhi Coronation Darbár. Deputation allowance of Officers 16 2 1 Hospital Assistants Nurses 42 0 10 Compounders 29 12 3 Clerks 95 15 6 Servants 338 6 0 Travelling allowance of Officers 90 2 3 Do. do. Establishment 128 15 0 Carriage of disinfectors, &c. 391 0 9 Miscellaneous 318 13 10 Total 2,15,373 5 8 45,321 11 2 + 16,885 15 4 - 16,885 15 4 Note.-These figures are exclusive of adjustments made owing to the misclassifications of expenditure in periods previous to those to which the table relates. The figures given in the table thus represent the actual expenditure brought to account in the year in question The table, however, does not correctly show what amount of the expenditure was eventually actually borne by Provincial Revenues and what amount by District Boards, because the adjustment made in the final accounts of the official year on account of the amount transferred from Local to Provincial owing to certain District Boards having overdrawn their balances on account of plague expenditure at the end of the official year (the amount of overdrawal being calculated also in accordance with the figures in Accountant-General's accounts and not those in this table) has not been taken into account ; it is impossible to distribute over a period beginning October and ending September a lump sum transferred in this way on account of the official year ; the amounts so transferred are, however, shown in antique at the foot of the table. * This amount is made up of the following items :- Rs. A. P. (1) Cost of Thresh Disinfector obtained from the Bengal Government 5,030 0 0 (2) Cost of 7 Bowman stationary steam disinfectors and two portable steam disinfectors sanctioned in the Punjab Government letter No 325 L.-P , dated 16th February 1903 27,400 0 0 (3) Cost of accessories supplied with above disinfectors 2,811 11 4 (4) Cost of Bowman Disinfector supplied by Plague Research Laboratory, Bombay, in March 1903 3,485 0 0 (5) Expenditure incurred on erecting disinfector at Tattoo Inspection Post 2,057 14 10 (6) Expenditure incurred on erecting disinfector at Dunera Inspection Post 1,402 7 0 (7) Expenditure incurred on erecting disinfector at 17th milestone, Murree Road Inspection Post 247 11 6 (8) Price of 30 Sawhney's patent desiccators sanctioned in Punjab Government letter No. 432 L.-P., dated 27th February 1903 1,260 0 0 Total 43,694 12 8