?124 Parel Road-Parsees. PRIVATE HOSPITAL No. 19. No report was received from this Hospital. Report of Jain Hospital (Lalbag, Bhuleshwar). PRIVATE HOSPITAL No. 20. This hospital opened on 15th December 1896 ; to be closed on 1st August 1897 ; received 206 plague patients, of whom 126 died. (Mortality, 56.3.) Estab- lished at first as sectarian, it was subsequently thrown open to Hindus of all denominations by the Secretary, Mr. Maneckchand Kapurchand. Medical Officer- Dr. W. S. Divan. Staff. Hospital Assistant-Mr. F. Keshav. Nurse-Mrs. Jamnabai. Cases ... 206 Recoveries ... 90 Of these, the following are details : - Deaths ... ... 116 Sex. Admitted .Recovered. Died. Mortality. Male ... ... ... 170 74 96 56.5 Female . ... ... ... 36 16 20 55.5 Total ... 206 90 116 56.31 This mortality, however, is liable to reduction on the score of moribund admis- sions, of which there were as many as 43 ending fatally within 24 hours. If these be allowed for, the rate of mortality is 35.4 only. Of the 206 patients, 80 only were Jains. Types treated- 1. Pneumonic. 2. Gangrenous. The former the more common. The general symptoms those usually observed. Remarks- (1) Cervical more dangerous than axillary, and these in turn than ingui- nal or femoral. (2) Hæmorrhages proved fatal. (3) Survival over the sixth day-a favourable sign. (4) Of patients between 7-55 years, the majority were between 18-40.