129 Dharavi Hospital. PRIVATE HOSPITAL No. 25. Dharavi Hospital was a private institution built by owners of tanneries for their employes on the waste land between the Dharavi tanneries and Mahim Railway Station. It consisted of two wards capable of holding about ten beds each and some necessary out-houses. The staff consisted of one Medical Officer, Dr. Rajabally M. Putei, L. M. & s., one resident compounder, one non-resident Eurasian day-nurse, one resident Mahratta night-nurse, five ward-boys, one chuprassi, one cook, and two sweepers. The hospital was used solely for plague cases and suspects found among the employes at the Dharavi tanneries. It was opened on the 5th of April and closed on the 31st of May 1897. There were 76 admissions, of whom 37 died and 39 recovered. The institution admirably answered the purpose it was intended for, as the plague which was raging in Dharavi soon disappeared when the cases were isolated by being sent to this little hospital. The above-mentioned four hospitals were all in charge of Surgeon-Captain W. E. Jennings, M.B., District Medical Officer for No. 10 District. Forms of Plague. Two forms of plague noticed- 1. Glandular. 2. Non-glandular. Types or Clinical Headings. A. Nervous- Symptoms : 1. High fever. 2. Sudden unconsciousness. 3. Delirium. B. Typhoid- Symptoms : 1. No hyper-paresis. 2. Raised temperature (103). 3. Weak and atonic pulse. 4. Coated tongue. 5. Diarrhœa. 6. Muttering delirium. C. Pneumonic- Very contagious. Always fatal ; duration two to five days. D. Convulsive- Chiefly children under 15. Symptoms : 1. Albuminuria. 33