130 General Symptoms. a. Atonic and frequent pulse. b. Hurried respiration, inconsistent with pulse and temperature. c. Pinched and anxious feature with twitched expression. d. General prostration. e. Vomiting and constipation (rarely diarrhoea.) f. Gland in glandular variety- (1) Tender. (2) Ecchymosed with (3) Inflammation of cellular tissues. (4) Glandular suppuration in favorable cases. DECISION OF CAUSE OF DEATH. In Corpses, Useful Symptoms- 1. Presence of gland. 2. General congestion. 3. Supplementary history of case. In Non-glandular Cases- Failing history of case, the microscopic examination of viscera. In Doubtful Cases- 1. Previous history. 2. Period of illness. 3. Premonitory symptoms. General Treatment·-· 1. Liq. hydrarg. perchloride (large doses, 1˝ to 2 oz. in 24 hours). 2. Free stimulation. 3. Ether, digitalis, and strychnia. 4. Quinine when fever is controlled. 5. Food, easy of digestion, administered recumbent and in moderation. Order of Susceptibility- Hindu, Bania, Mahomedan, Parsee, Europeans. Order of Fatality in Types- Favorable-Glandular and non-nervous. Unfavorable-Pneumonic and convulsive. Mortality-60 per cent. Order of Age Susceptibility- 1. Young adults. 2. Children. 3. Aged. Order of Sexual Mortality- 1. Males. 2. Females. Proportion-5 to 2.