?158 Sion. On the approach of the monsoon, the Coorla staff was transferred to Sion on June 5th, and a large shed erected on the platform for inspec- tion purposes, and two Medical Practitioners were added to the staff, who also took part in the causeway inspection. Since the 5th June, 14 cases have been sent to hospital. Santa Cruz. At Santa Cruz inspection began on April 17th, and 15 trains were examined daily, and 36 cases were detected and sent to the Khar hospital. Bandora. On June 5th, the Staff here was amalgamated with the barrier in- spection of persons entraining at Bandora station. Fourteen cases have been sent into hospital since the 5th June. Patients were sent by train to Mahaluxmi Station for Arthur Road. Barrier In- spection. The barrier inspections, which were begun on April 16th to prevent the local plague cases entering the stations, are still, at the date of writing, in force. In all, this gives a total of 281 actual plague cases detected on the railway, and including the 34 cases sent to hospital from Coorla, most of which were presumably plague cases, 315. Since the beginning of June the whole arrangements have been under the management of Surgeon-Captain Jennings. Hospitals. To receive any cases of plague which might be detected at any of the stations, temporary hospitals were constructed at Kalyan, Palghar, Thana, and Santa Cruz. Cases detected at Coorla, or at either of the causeways, were sent to the hospitals at Government House, Parel, and Mahim. Cases found at Bandora were taken to the hospital jointly erected there by the Bombay and Bandora Municipality. Establishment. The establishment engaged for the examination at the various stations was as follows :- KALYAN. BANDORA. 8 Commissioned Medical Officers. 3 Assistant Surgeons. 1 Parsi Medical Practitioner. 2 Assistant Surgeons. COORLA. 11 Hospital Assistants. 2 Medical Officers. PALGHAR. 1 Commissioned Medical Officer. 3 Assistant Surgeons. 2 Assistant Surgeons. 3 Hospital Assistants. 6 Hospital Assistants. SANTA CRUZ. THANA. 2 Medical Officers. 1 Medical Officer. 3 Assistant Surgeons. 3 Hospital Assistants. 1 Assistant Surgeon. 3 Hospital Students. 2 Medical Students.