?176 blers, 4 spoons, 2 knives, 2 forks, 1 tea-pot, 1 coffee-pot, 2 cups- and saucers-, 1 milk jug, I sugar basin, 1 butter pot, 1 kettle, 1 tray, 1 kitchen knife, 1 curry stone, 3 cooking pots, 2 beds teads (complete with beds, pillows, and curtains), 4 sheets, 2 counterpanes, 2 blankets, 1 dressing table with mirror, 1 cupboard or chest of drawers, 2 gindystands (complete with enamel basins, &c.), 2 towel racks, 12 towels, 1 zinc bath, 2 commodes, 2 chamber pots, 1 candlestick, 1 wall lamp, and 1 hurricane lantern. III. Furniture, &c., for Medical Subordinate.-1 cot (bed and pillow), 1 gindy-stand (complete with enamel basin, &c.), 1 towel rack, 1 table, and 1 chair. IV. Dispensary Furniture.-1 shelf or cupboard for drugs and appliances, 1 box with lock and key for poisons, 1 dispensing table, I writing table, 1 chair, 1 gindystand (complete with enamel basin, &c.), 1 towel rack, 3 towels, 1 tin kettle for disinfectants, and books and stationery as required. F. Medical and Surgical Appliances-(a) Appliances.-1 small pocket dressing-case, 2 gum elastic catheters, 1 hypodermic syringe, 2 enema syringes, 2 2-ounce syringes, 3 sponges, 12 ice bladders, 2 ice bags, 2 waterproof sheets, 1 pestle and mortar, 1 glass rod, 1 roll of sticking plaster, 6 yards bandage cloth, 2 yards flannel, 12 cakes carbolic soap, 2 Ibs. lint, 2 Ibs. cotton wool, 10 Ibs tow, 10 Ibs. linseed, 1 spirit lamp, 6 test tubes, 1 urinometer, nitric acid 1 oz., liquor potassae 2 oz., Febling's solution 2 oz., 2 yards drainage tubing, 1 set scales and weights with spare set of grain weights, 30 dispensing bottles, 1/2 gross corks, 20 draught glasses, 1 large pewter measure, 1 ounce and 1 minim glass measure, 1 slab, 2 spatulas, 6 large mixture bottles, 4 clinical thermometers, and 6 jars for disinfectants. (b) Drugs.- 1 lb. Acid Boraic. 1 oz. Pulv. Ipecac co. 3 lbs. „ Carbolic. 2 „ ,, Jalop co. 4 oz. „ Gallic. ½ „ Santonine. 1 „ „ Hydroceanic. 1 „ Soda Bicarbonas. 12 „ „ Sulphuric. ½ „ Tinct. Aconite. 6 „ Ammonia Bromid. 2 „ „ Cardamom co. 2 „ „ Carbonas. 2 „ „ Cinchona co . 2 lbs. Aqua Distillata. 2 „ Hammamalis. 1 drm. Argent Nitras. 2 „ Tinct. Hyociam. 4 oz. Bismuth Subnitras. 4 „ „ Iodi. ½ ,, Cafeine Citras. 4 „ „ Opii. 2 „ Camphor. ¼ lb. Ungt. Hydrarg. ½ drm. Cocaine Hydrochloras. 1 „ „ Suceplex, ½ oz. Extract Belladona. ½ „ Vaseline. 2 „ „ Ergota Liquid. ½ „ . Spt. Wine Methylated. 2 „ Tinct. Ferri Perchloridunm. ½ „ Zinc Oxide. ½ lb. Glycerine. ½ „ Soda Salicylas. ½ „ Gum Accacia. 4 oz. Tiuct. Nucis Vomica. ¼ „ Hydrarg Perchlor. 4 ,, Liq. Strychnia. ½ „ Hyd. Subehlor. 1 lb. „ Hydrarg Perchlorid. 2 oz. lodoform. 1 „ Spt. Ammonia Aromat. ½ lb. Linament Camphor. 4 lbs. Magnesia Sulphatis. 4 oz. ,, lodi. 1 lb. Spt. Aetheris Nitros. 2 ,, Liq. Arsenicalis. 2 oz. Quinine sulphatus. 1 Ib. „ Ammonia. 1 lb. Acid Nitric Hydrochlor Dih ½ oz. „ Episjatiens. 6 oz. Ammonia Chloride. ½ „ Oleum Anethi. 1 lb. Potass. Bicarbonas. 1 „ „ Menthapip. 8 oz. Spt. Chloroform. 2 „ Potass. Citras. 2 „ Cerri Oxalat. 2 „ „ Iodid. 2 lbs. Linament Terebinthine. 1 „ Pulv. Ipecac. 1 oz. Phenacetin. 2 „ Tinct. Digitalis.