?181 At 10-30 or 11 a.m., the Justice and his party returned to the Sub-divisional Officer, and filled in the following certificate of the work done :- Counterfoil. DISTRICT No.________ DISTRICT No..______ _______________ HOUSE-TO-HOUSE-VISITATION CERTIFICATE. I certify that I this day visited (or caused to be visited) ___________houses in my District Total Plague cases reported to_____ and discovered :- on the___________________ day of (No. of deaths)___deaths from Plague. (No. of suffer ___________________189. ing cases)...___cases suffering from Plague. Total cases... and that the same have been duly reported by_________________J. P. to_________________________________________ District Medical Officer of Health. NOTE.-To be returned to the J. P. from the Dist. Med. Officer's Office after the accompanying certificate has been Signature of J. P.____________________________ detached. The inspection again proceeded in the afternoon from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Besides the large number of Justices who daily worked in house- to-house visitation, a number of gentlemen gave their services for the same work and were provided with Special Constable Certificates. The work done by the above gentlemen was of the greatest value, and it is not too much to say that the house-to-house visitation could not have been successfully carried on without the important help they gave the Committee. 46