Xii INTRODUCTION. With such a previous record, the recent appearance of Plague in Portugal and Spain cannot be regarded without anxiety. At the present time there are believed to be three endemic haunts of plague. The first in Mesopotamia, ; the second in Gahrwal and Kumaon at the foot of the Himalayas in the North-West Provinces : the third in Yunnan in China. Dr. Koch mentions another endemic centre, which is situated in Africa (near lake Nyassa), and is supported in this view by Dr. Proust, Before 1800 A- D. PLAGUE IN INDIA. (Up to September 1896.) We cannot in the case of ludia trace the history of Plague century by century. Up to 1800 a reliable historical document is a rara avis. We can only record the instances where mention is made of Plague under such terms as 'Waba,' ' Ta' un,' etc., and conjecture bow far the statements are accurate, and to what extent the pestilence referred to is identical with that which is amongst us now. But even such references as these are rare. The folio wing brief summary of what is known on the subject is taken from Nathan's Plague in, India : " Only two direct references have, however, been traced which may point to the existence of Plague in the west of India in the fourteenth and fifteenth cen- turies. The first is from Ibn Batuta, who notices that Muhammad Tughlak's army in Ma'bar (1325-1351) mostly perished of pestilence, and that at the end of the century (1399), after Timur left, the districts through which he had passed were visited by pestilence. The second relates to the year .1443, when pestilence caused such loss of life in the army of Sultan Ahmad I. that, leaving many of the dead unburied, he retired to Gujarat. Ferishta calls this disease ta'un, and speaks of it as very unusual in India. The famine of 1590 to 1594 was followed by a pestilence that, besides hamlets and villages, depopulated whole cities. It must remain a matter of conjecture whether these outbreaks of virulent pestilence were epidemics of true Plague. " Twice in the seventeenth century the district of Almiedabad in the Bombay Presidency was visited by severe epidemics of pestilence which were probably out- breaks of Plague. The Bombay Gazetteer gives the following description of the first of these epidemics, which appears to have been very widespread :·- "' The disease that raged in Ahmedabad in 1618 began in the Punjab in 1611. It is called the plague, Waba or Waba-o-ta'un, and the works of the Hindus are said to have no mention of such a disease. It was thought to be connected with the comet of 1612. From the Punjab it spread through Lahore, through the Doab to Delhi, and north to Kashmir. No place in Hindustan was free fro m its ravages. Lulling at times, it continued to lay waste the country for eight years. About the same time in Kandahar the land was overrun by mice, and mice and plague seem to have had some close connexion, A Mouse would rush out of its hole as if