?16 for a term which may extend to six months or fine which may extend to one thousand rupees or both. 14. The President of the Municipal Commission is em- powered to direct the evacuation of houses in the neighbourhood of an infected house or of a block of houses or a particular locality, and to prohibit re-occupation of such houses or locality without permission. The President shall give notice for such period as he may deem necessary, and shall provide temporary accommodation for those removed from the houses evacuated. The President may require the evicted persons to reside in any place which he may appoint under such restrictions as he may deem necessary for a period not exceeding ten days, after which, provided no further sickness has occurred, any one who wishes to depart may, after necessary precautions, be allowed to depart. 15. The President of the Municipal Commission or any officer specially authorized by him in this behalf is empowered to close places used for the supply, preparation or storage of articles of food and drink in infected localities or in the immediate neighbourhood of infected houses, and to direct the removal of all articles of food and drink found in such places. 16. (1) The President of the Municipal Commission, when and to the extent he may deem necessary, may make Regula- tions- (a) for prescribing the route which shall be taken by a funeral procession from the place of death to the grave-yard, burning ground or other place for final disposal of the corpse, and the places, if any, at which such procession may halt on its way for funeral prayers, ceremonies or other purposes; * (b) for enforcing burial in certain places or at a certain depth. (2) He may also prohibit the burial or burning of corpses of persons reasonably supposed to have died of the plague in or upon ground other than ground specially assigned by him for such purpose. * As amended by G.O., No. 429-P., dated 4th May 1898; Notification No. 377, Fort St. George Gazette, dated 10th May 1898, Part I-A, page 124. Note.-Any Regulations which the President may find necessary to frame under this clause should provide that when the burial of a person who has died of plague takes place in proximity to habitations or sources of water-supply, the corpse shall be wrapped in a cloth soaked in a solution of corrosive sublimate and be buried six feet deep. (G.O., No. 429-P., dated 4th May 1898.)