?25 shall also in the same manner forthwith report the arrival at the house, hotel, chuttram or other place, of any person from any area which has been notified * by the Governor in Council or the Collector to be infected. The Chairman or the Rev- enue or Medical officer, as the case may be, shall forthwith send information to the Collector of the district of the occurrence of any such case. 2. On the requisition of the Collector, and to the extent to which he may determine, a Municipal Council or a District Board, if it has not already made the provision, shall provide and maintain in such localities, which, in the case of a munici- pality, may be within or without the municipal limits, as in the opinion of the District Medical and Sanitary officer, or a Medical officer deputed by him, may be proper for the purpose, suitable and sufficient accommodation † to the satisfaction of such Medical officer, for the isolation and treatment of persons suffer- ing or suspected to be suffering from the plague, or to have so lately suffered from the plague as to be in an infectious state, or likely from recent contact with plague cases to have been infected or to be in an infectious state, and also accommodation for their detention until they shall be certified by the Medical officer in charge to be free from infection. In the places so provided, the Municipal Council or the District Board, as the case may be, shall furnish such hospital establishments, equipment and supplies as the District Collector may determine, and shall also make arrangements for feeding persons detained under the powers conferred by any of the Regulations made under the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, on payment by them of the cost; but in the case of indigent persons, the Municipal Council or the District Board, as the case may be, shall supply them with food free of charge: provided that any person so detained may cater for himself subject to such rules and conditions as the medical officer in charge may prescribe. The Municipal Council or Dis- trict Board, as the case may be, shall, on like requisition and in like manner and subject to like approval, provide accommoda- tion for persons who may be required to vacate any building or ground under the Regulations set out below numbered 4, 5 and * Note.-Only the places actually infected with plague should, as a rule, be notified as such (G.O., No. 878-P., dated 12th June 1899). † Note.-Rule 24 of the rules issued in G.O., No. 252-M., dated 13th March 1897, requires that isolation huts shall be erected and maintained in each municipal town. Camps are also attached to all railway and road inspection stations. As regards other places, sheds should be erected when actually required, any case of plague that may occur being meanwhile isolated in a hut or shed remote from inhabited houses as directed in Additional Mufussal Regulation 17 (page 46) (G.O., No. 1090-P., dated 17th September 1898). The cost of sheds constructed in Cantonments should be borne by the Cantonment funds. (P.O. No. 802, dated 25th November 1898), 4