? 32 (b) To travellers alighting at rail- way stations included within municipal limits. Such Medical, Sanitary or other officer as may be appointed by the Chairman with the Collector's approval. (c) To travellers alighting at other railway stations. The Stationmaster or other officer appointed by the Collector for the purpose. (d) To travellers arriving by steamer, ship or boat. The Medical, Sanitary or other officer appointed to examine such travellers. (e) To travellers arriving by road. The Medical, Sanitary or other officer appointed to examine such travellers, or if no such officer has been appointed, the local authority of the place of arrival. 17-iii. Every person required to take out a passport shall declare truly his name, address, and such other particulars as may be required by the officer issuing the passport and shall re- port forthwith to the local authority any change in his place of residence occurring within ten days from the date of arrival. On the expiry of ten days, he shall deliver up his passport to the local authority of the place where he may then be. 17-iv. The issue of a passport, or any change in the residence of the person to whom it has been granted, shall immediately be communicated by the officer issuing it (in the former case) or by the local authority (in the latter case) to the Municipal Chairman or the local authority of the place of destination.* If the local authority of the place of destination is not known, the intimation shall be sent to the Tahsildar concerned for transmission to the local officer by whom the traveller has to be observed. The communication may be made by a post card, or by a special messenger, or in any other manner which the Collectors concerned may determine. The telegraph need be used only in urgent cases. Intimation of departure to any railway station in the Province of Mysore shall, however, be telegraphed to the- (a) Assistant Surgeon on plague duty, Yesvantpur, when the destination is a station on the Mysore State Railway; (b) Residency Surgeon, Bangalore, when the destination is a station within Mysore Province on the Madras Railway. 17-v. The local authority of the place of destination shall see that, on the arrival of the traveller, he is observed daily for * This rule applies whether the place of destination is in British or Mysore territory.