36 (ii) After disinfection, the carriages should be kept out in the open for 48 hours. They can then be brought into use again. (iii) In the case of first and second class carriages, which afford greater facilities than third-class compartments for the harbouring of plague germs, it will be necessary, if the carriages are contaminated, to burn the cushions and to disinfect the wood-work in the manner indicated above, and repaint the interior. (iv) Any compartment in which a suspicious case has travelled should be sprayed with the above disinfecting solu- tion before being allowed to proceed. 21. The clothing, bedding and personal effects of all persons detained or segregated under Regulation 3, or removed under Regulation 14 to a place provided under Regulation 2, shall be thoroughly disinfected and may, at the discretion of the Medical officer in charge of the place of detention or segregation, be destroyed. The Collector of the district may, in his discretion, at the cost of Local or Municipal funds, award compensation for articles destroyed; but no person shall be entitled as of right to recover any compensation by way of damages or otherwise for the destruction or disinfection of any article dealt with as above. Where the clothes or bedding of a traveller shall have been destroyed as hereinbefore provided, the Medical officer may, if the person is poor, arrange for providing other necessary articles in their place, the cost of the same being intimated to the Collector of the district who shall debit it to Local or Municipal funds at his discretion. 21-A. The District Collector or any officer appointed by him either generally or specially in this behalf, or the Medical officer in charge of a railway inspection station, may take any measures that he may deem necessary for the disinfection of the clothing of any person found within the limits of his jurisdiction, who, in the opinion of the said officer, is likely to have been infected, or of any articles likely in the opinion of the said officer to carry infection, which are in the possession of such person; and such person shall be bound to submit to such measures, and he may, if necessary, be detained until such measures are taken. 22. The Collector of a district may, in case of emergency or to save delay, provide for the execution of any work or the doing of any act which a district board or municipality is empowered or required to execute or to do in accordance with these Regulations, and the immediate execution or the doing of