39 the District Collector, to decide what person shall be considered 'suspicious' for the purposes of this rule. So long as he remains in a place of observation under this rule no person shall be allowed to communicate, except with the permission of the said officers, with persons outside the limits of the place. He shall obey such orders as may be issued by the plague authority for the cleanliness or protection from infection of the persons, property or quarters of the persons detained. 30. When in the exercise of the powers conferred by or under these rules a pass or certificate is granted to any person or persons to enable him or them to go from one place to another or for any purpose, such pass or certificate shall not be used by any other person or persons or for any other purpose. * 31. The provisions of these Regulations in regard to segregation do not apply to persons who hold certificates that they have been inoculated by M. Haffkine's process, provided such certificates bear a date not earlier than six months but not later than ten days previously. Such persons shall be entitled to the following privileges:- (a) Unless suffering from, or suspected to be suffering from, plague, they shall not be liable to detention at any railway or road observation camp when travelling, except for such period as may be required to disinfect their baggage and clothes, if those are considered suspicious. (b) They shall not be liable to take out passports and present themselves daily for observation for ten days after arrival from a plague-infected place, or from any place noti- fied by His Excellency the Governor of Fort St. George in Council for the purposes of No. 17 of the Original Mufassal Plague Regulations; but they may be observed at their own residence and shall, with this view, be bound when required by any Plague officer to give their names and addresses for the next ten days. (c) Inoculated persons who have been living in an infected house or have otherwise been exposed to plague infection shall not be liable to be segregated, but may be required to evacuate the infected house and to have their clothes and personal effects disinfected. When, however, all the occupants of a house have been inoculated, neither the patients nor the other inmates of the house shall be required to be segregated, provided arrangements are made to the satisfaction of a Plague authority for the disinfection of the * As re-issued in G.O., No. 381-P., dated 11th March 1899 and published in the Fort St. George Gazette, dated 11th April 1899, Part I-A, pages 140-41.