41 infected parts on their way to the Nilgiris shall, with refer- ence to the revised Mufassal Regulation 17 published on page 137, Part I-A, of the Fort St. George Gazetle, dated 27th May 1898, obtain passports from the Medical officer in charge of the plague inspection station at Pódanúr before proceeding further. (3)-NOTIFICATION No. 638, FORT ST. GEORGE GAZETTE, DATED 9TH AUGUST 1898, PART I-A, PAGE 240. Under the provisions of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, His Excellency the Governor of Fort St. George in Council is pleased to issue the following rules in continuation of Notification No. 531, published in the Fort St. George Gazette, dated 5th July 1898, Part I-A, page 194:- (1) All railway carriages containing passengers from plague-infected parts holding tickets to Méttupálaiyam shall be locked before arrival at the Pódanúr railway station. (2) After the train has entered the Pódanúr railway platform, the locked carriages shall be opened and each passenger coming, or believed to have come, from an infected part shall be examined by the Medical officer, who will give him a pass-port if there are not sufficient grounds for detaining him under the Plague Regulations. (3) The Madras Railway Company shall not carry any such passenger beyond Pódanúr unless he produces a pass-port signed by the inspecting medical officer. (4)-ADDITIONAL MUFASSAL REGULATIONS UNDER THE EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897, FOR DISTRICT MUNICI- PALITIES AND TOWNS AND VILLAGES. (G.O., No. 93-P., dated 26th February 1898; Notification No. 169, "Fort St. George Gazette," dated 1st March 1898, Part I-A, pages 55-64.) WHEREAS certain parts of India are visited by, and the Presidency of Madras is threatened with, an outbreak of a dangerous epidemic disease known as bubonic plague, and whereas the ordinary provisions of the law in force in the Presidency are insufficient for the purpose of preventing the outbreak or spread of the disease, His Excellency the Gov- ernor of Fort St. George in Council, in exercise of the powers delegated to him under section 2, sub-section (3), of the 6