?54 Extract from Revised Regulation 17 under the Epidemic Diseases Act, published in the "Fort St. George Gazette," dated 11th April 1899, Part I-A, pages 139-141. 17. i. ~ or from a suspected of having arrived, from any place declared to be infected with plague, Excellency the Governor of Fort St. George in Council for the purposes of this tempted under Regulation 31, before leaving the railway station at which he has alighted, or the steamer, ship or boat in which he has travelled, or in the case of arrival by road either immediately on reaching a Road Frontier Inspection Station or within twelve hours from the time of arrival at any other place, obtain from the officer mentioned in Regulation 17-ii a passport binding him to present himself for daily inspection for the next ten days before the local authority of the town or village where he may be; and he shall be bound so to present himself. Provided that, where it appears desirable, the Municipal Chairman or any Revenue officer not below the graded Deputy Tahsildar may, by endorsement on the passport, exempt any person from personal attendance and permit him to be inspected at his residence. Explanation.-By a "local authority" is meant any of the following officers:- (a) The local Medical officer; (b) \ill\ (c) \ill\ (d) Any person appointed by the Collector of the district for the purposes of this Regulation. In places where there is more than one local authority, the duties prescribed in these rules shall be performed by, or with the permission of the Collector under the orders of, the officer who stands first in the order given in this explanation. ***** iii. Every person required to take out a passport shall declare truly his name, address, and such other particulars as may be required by the officer issuing the passport and shall report forthwith to the local authority any change in his place of thin ten days from the date of arrival. On the expiry of ten days, he shall deliver up his passport of the place where he may then be. iv. The issue of a passport, or any change in the residence of the person to whom it has been granted, shall immediately be communicated by the officer issuing it (in the former case) or by the local authority (in the latter case) to the Municipal Chairman or the local authority of the place of destination.* If the local authority of the place of destination is not known, the intimation shall be sent to the Tahsildar concerned for transmission to the local officer by whom the traveller has to be observed. The communication may be made by a post-card, or by a special messenger, or in any other manner which the Collectors concerned may determine. The telegraph need be used only in urgent cases. Intimation of departure to any railway station in the Province of Mysore shall, however, be telegraphed to the- (a) Assistant Surgeon on plague duty, Yesvantpur, when the destination is a station on the Mysore State Railway; (b) Residency Surgeon, Bangalore, when the destination is a station within Mysore Province on the Madras Railway. Y. The local authority of the place of destination shall see that, on the arrival of the traveller, he is observed daily for ten days. Any case of illness or death in the house in which such traveller is or has been residing shall be forthwith reported to the immediate superior of the local authority with full details. After ten days, the passport shall be recovered from the \ill\hsildar. Any Officer of \ill\ below the rank of Deputy Tahsildar may require that the person or the clothing and other \ill\ be disinfected in such manner as may be ordered by the Collector. vi. The headman of every village shall keep himself promptly informed of the arrival of every person from an infected or notified area without a passport and shall deal with him as in the preceding clauses of this Regulation to which such person shall be bound to submit himself. vii. A register shall be maintained by each local authority in the following form:- (1) Date of receipt of intimation. (2) Name of traveller. (3) From what infected or notified area arriving. (4) Date of arrival of traveller. (5) Number, date and place of issue of passport. (6) How long kept under observation. (7) State of health of the traveller and other persons living in the house in which he i" or has been residing. (8) Date of departure if occurring within ten days. (9) Destination. (10) Date of intimation of departure to the local authority of the place of destination. (11) Date of despatch of the passport to the Tahsildar. ***** xiii. In the case of minors and incapacitated \ill\ ake out passports for them, to present them for daily inspection, to report truly their names any change in their residence, and to comply otherwise with the requirements of this regulation shall vest in their legal guardians or persons in whose charge they travel or who receive them at the railway station of destination. N.B.-Any person disobeying or evading the above rules shall be deemed to have committed an offence punishable under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to six months or fine which may extend to Rs. 1,000 or both. Endorsement of the Local Authority. Date Signature of ocal authority. Designation. 1st day 2nd " 3rd " 4th " 5th " 6th " 7th " 8th " 9th " 10th " Tahsildar Forwarded to the Municipal Chairman of the traveller having been duly observed. Date Signature and Designation of local authority. * This rule applies whether the place of destination is in British or Mysore territory.