?58 CHAPTER IV. (1)-REGULATIONS FOR THE INSPECTION OF INWARD-BOUND VESSELS UNDER THE EPIDEMIC DISEASES ACT, 1897. (G.O., No. 745, Marine, dated 23rd August 1897; Notification No. 163, "Fort St. George Gazette," dated 31st August 1897, Part I, pages 1117 to 1119.) IN exercise of the powers delegated to him by the Governor- General in Council under section 2, sub-section (3), of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, His Excellency the Governor in Council is pleased to prescribe, under the said Epidemic Diseases Act, the following temporary Regulations to be observed in all ports of the Madras Presidency. These Regulations will supersede those now in force and which are published on pages 601-604, Part I of the Fort St. George Gazette of the 11th May 1897:- 1. In these regulations- (1) "Vessel" includes anything made for the con- Definitions. veyance by water of human beings or of property. (2) "Port officer" includes any person acting under the authority of Government in charge of port discipline. (3) "Master" when used in relation to any vessel means any person (except a pilot or harbour master) having for the time being the charge or control of the vessel. (4) "Sanitary authority" means the Collector of the district, and the Municipal Council or Local Board, the area under whose jurisdiction includes or abuts on any part of a customs port. Where a customs port is included within or abuts on the jurisdiction of more than one of the authorities above-mentioned, the Governor in Council shall appoint which of them shall be the Sanitary authority for the purpose of these Regulations, or he may distribute among them, in such manner as he may deem fit, the duties imposed by these Regulations. The jurisdiction of every Sanitary authority shall, for the purposes of these Regulations, extend to sea- ward for a distance of three miles beyond low water mark on all parts of the coast line bounding the area ordinarily under its jurisdiction.