?69 by the Port Health officer. Such certificate shall be an- nexed to, and form part of, the bill of health.* Bill of Health. † Including master, mates, engineers, appren- tices and private servants when the latter are not mentioned in the ship's articles.‡ This is to certify that the ship (or steamer) sailing under the flag and under the command of as master of tons bound for with a crew of persons † and passengers and laden with a cargo of is at the time of leaving this port in a satisfactory sanitary condition, and that no case of bubonic plague exists among her officers, passengers, or crew, all of whom have been inspected by me. § Or as the case may be. It is further certified that the town and port of are at present free § from plague. Provided that- (ì) || all vessels belonging to the Ceylon Government which may leave ports in the Madras Presidency with emigrants for Ceylon shall be exempted from medical inspection. 4. The medical inspection of passengers and other persons prescribed in these Regulations must be made of each indivi- dual by day, on shore, at the time of embarkation; provided that- ¶ In the case of the officers and crew of a vessel being brought on shore for inspection they may come in batches. ¶ (i) in the case of vessels anchored in the Madras roadstead (i.e., outside the enclosed harbour) and at out-ports the inspection of officers and crew may be conducted on board; and || (ii) in the case of a vessel starting from Calcutta and calling at Madras or any other port in the Madras Presidency on her way to Europe, neither the crew nor the passengers already on board need be brought on shore and inspected there. The form of bill of health under this proviso will be as follows:- * Added by G.O., No. 512, Marine, dated 17th June 1898; Notification No. 71, Fort St. George Gasette, dated 28th June 1898, Part I, page 602. ‡ As amended by G.O., No. 412, Marine, dated 23rd May 1898; Notification No. 58, Fort St. George Gazette, dated 7th June 1898, Part I, page 515. || As amended by G.O., No. 414, Marine, dated 23rd May 1898; Notification No. 63, Fort St. George Gazette, dated 14th June 1898, Part I, page 549.