?72 Disinfecting solutions- (a) Solution of corrosive sublimate, of one part in 1,000, with the addition of ten parts of chloride of soda. The solution should be coloured with aniline dye or indigo. It should not be placed in metal vessels. (b) A 5 per cent. solution of pure crystallized carbolic acid or 5 per cent. of crude commercial carbolic acid free from tar oils in a warm solution of soft soap. The carbolic solutions will be useful, more particularly for disin- fecting articles, such as metals, instruments, &c., which can neither be subjected to a temperature of 100° centigrade, nor placed in contact with corrosive sublimate. They may also be used at ports not provided with a disinfecting stove of the prescribed pattern. (3)-(G.O., No. 283, Marine, dated 18th April 1898 ; Notifi- cation No. 37, Fort St. George Gazette, dated 26th April 1898, Part I, page 340.) In exercise of the powers conferred by Act III of 1897 (The Epidemic Diseases Act), His Excellency the Governor in Council is pleased to declare that the Regulations * for the inspection of outward-bound vessels, published in the Fort St. George Gazette, of the 2nd November 1897, pages 1382 and 1383, Part I, shall be brought into force in the undermen- tioned ports of the Madras Presidency, with effect from such date as may be settled in each case by the " Sanitary authority," who will also appoint the Medical officers to discharge the duties of Port Health officers at the said ports under these Regulations :- Ports. Name. District. Narsapur ... Gódávari. Porto Novo ... ...... South Arcot. Tirumulavásal Tanjore. Tópputturai Point Calimere Muttupet ... ... Adirámpatnam Ammápatnarn Kóttaipatnam ... ... ... .. Tondi ............... Madura. Devipatnam Hangarakatta South Canara. Coondapoor * Printed on pages 66 to 72.