?73 CHAPTER V. RULES UNDER THE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITIES ACT, 1884, FOR COMBATING PLAGUE IN MUNICIPALITIES. (G.O., No. 522-M., dated 13th March 1897; Notification No. 185, "Fort St. George Gazette," dated 16th March 1897, Part I-A., pages 67-71.) UNDER Section 250 (1) (m) of Act IV of 1884, His Excellency the Governor in Council is pleased to make the follow- ing rules for combating bubonic plague in municipalities. These rules shall come into force three months after their first publication in the District Gazettes in English and in the Vernacular language of the district:- Rules for combating Bubonic Plague ("Mahammari") in Municipalities. NOTE. The following is a description of the disease known as bubonic plague:- (a) After date of acquiring infection a period of a few hours to three or, in exceptional cases, even ten days may elapse. There occurs a gradually increasing feeling of lassi- tude, the colour of the skin may change till a yellowish tint is acquired; at times there is much restlessness and drowsi- ness; frontal head-ache of a severe character, attended with darting pains in the back, loins and abdomen, are frequent. High fever is ushered in with shivering and after two or three days of usually continuous fever, glandular swellings may appear in the groins, arm-pits, or neck, or in all three positions. On appearance of the swellings the fever may diminish slightly. The disease may then abate, accompanied by disappearance of the swellings or their breaking down by suppuration. But if the disease continues, the patient may vomit blood, and blood may be discharged from the nose, the mouth, the bowels, and mixed with urine; the swellings may become gangrenous and hæmorrhage may occur from their 10