?197 APPENDIX. Port of__________ Way Bill of passengers proceeding by S.S. on the 1899. Number. Name. Sex. Caste. Age. Occupation. Destination. (Signed) ________, Shipping Agent. (G.O., No. 133, Marine, dated 9th February 1899; No. 22, Marine, dated 8th March 1899; No. 484, Marine, dated 31st May 1899.) (3)-Precautions for embarking passengers at Madras Ports on vessels arriving from infected ports. (i) No persons other than intending passengers to be allowed on board. (ii) No person after embarkation to quit the vessel while she is in the port. (iii) No communication to be allowed between crews of boats and crew of vessel. (iv) A Police Constable to go off in each boat carrying passengers or luggage. (v) In ports in the Ganjám district, a Police Constable need not accompany each boat carrying passengers or luggage; but the embarkation of passengers should be watched by constables posted on board and on shore. (G.O., No. 359, Marine, dated 8th May 1898; No. 591, Marine, dated 7th July 1898.)