206 that the passengers and crew should be subject to " surveil- lance " for a period sufficient to complete a term of ten days from the date of departure of the vessel from the infected port. 11. The quarantine rules made by the Governments of Madras, Bengal and Burma under the powers conferred by section I, Act I of 1870, with previous sanction of the Gov- ernor-General in Council to protect their ports from being regarded by the European powers as infected, prescribe fifteen days' quarantine for all vessels in which a case of plague is found on arrival, or on which it is believed that a case has occurred during the voyage, with this exception that the rules for Calcutta apparently prescribe only eight days' qua- rantine in the latter case. In the Bombay Presidency all the principal ports are infected and the Government of Bombay have issued special rules regarding inspection, segregation and disinfection at these ports. Under the rules of the other Maritime Governments, no communication may be held with other boats or vessels or with the shore whilst the vessel remains in quarantine, but the Health officer may direct the removal of so many of the passengers and crew as may not be suffering from illness, and whose services may not be required on board, to places of segregation on shore where they are required to complete the period of quarantine. If a case of plague occurs whilst the quarantine is in pro- gress quarantine recommences for a further period of fifteen days. (a) The period of fifteen days' quarantine was fixed in view of the possibility that some of the Governments in Europe might not regard quarantine as effective if it were prescribed for a shorter period, but now that the Conference has authoritatively pronounced that the period of incubation may be taken at ten days, the period of observation should be reduced from fifteen to ten days. The quarantine rules in the case of vessels on which there is a case of plague at the time of arrival, or on which it is believed that a plague case has occurred during the voyage, should also be modified in accordance with the regulations framed by the Conference for infected vessels. The Government of Madras have already revised their rules in a similar direction. The Governor-General in Council lays special stress upon the undesirability of detaining the sick and healthy on boardship together. The sick should be landed and treated in an iso- lation hospital, and the healthy should be landed and detained under observation in suitable segregation shelter for a period