?208 CHAPTER XI. MISCELLANEOUS ORDERS. (1)-Plague Correspondence. 1. All correspondence about plague and pilgrims returning from the Hedjaz should be addressed to the Secretary to Government, Local and Municipal Department, and should be marked with the word ' Plague ' in red ink on the out- side covers and on the left hand corner of the papers. All communications, except reports or returns on printed forms, should be forwarded with a docket sheet, copies of which are supplied by the Superintendent, Government Press. (G.O., No. 379-M., dated 4th March 1897; No. 2414-M., dated 2nd November 1897; P.C., No. 94, dated 11th January 1899.) 2. All references regarding account matters should be addressed to, or forwarded through, the Accountant-General. (P.C., No. 672, dated 14th November 1898.) 3. Plague correspondence should be entered in a separate current register, and the papers shown against a new item ' Plague ' in the quarterly business returns. A separate series of numbers should be given to the disposals, and the question of destroying or retaining them settled in accordance with the mode indicated in Board's Proceedings, No. 101, dated 18th April 1898. As regards passports, however, they are of no use after the expiration of the ten days' period of observa- tion and may then be destroyed except in cases where they are required or likely to be required in connection with any prosecution or for any special purpose. (B.P., Land Rev., No 19, dated 21st January 1899; No. 45, dated 14th February 1899; P.C., No. 1171, dated 1st May 1899; and G.O., No. 1213-P., dated 7th August 1899.) 4. The Government does not consider it necessary that copies of all printed Government orders relating to plague matters should ordinarily be supplied to Medical Subordi- nates, Sanitary Inspectors or Chairmen of Unions, or to each Member of a Municipal Council. Where necessary, district circulars should be issued to subordinate officers embodying the purport of the Government orders. Spare copies of Government orders are at present distributed in accordance with the statement printed in Plague Commissioner's Proceed- ings, No. 982, dated 14th April 1899. (G.O., No. 580-P., dated 15th June 1898.)