?223 B.-Salaries of officers temporarily entertained for Plague Duty-continued. Designation. Salary. Remarks. G. Qualified Euro- Such pay not exceeding Rs. 100 When the nurses attend on pean, Eurasian a month as Collectors may Plague patients, a boarding or Native find necessary. allowance of Rs. 1-8-0 a day nurses locally in the case of Europeans and recruited. Eurasians, or one rupee in the case of natives should be paid. H. Private gentle- Rs. 2 a day + Rs. 15, horse Such supervisors should usually men appointed all owance. be Europeans or Eurasians, as Plague and they need not be appoint- supervisors in ed unless the outbreak of municipal plague requires a special towns. organization to deal with it. J. Private gentle- Rs. 80 pay + Rs. 30, fixed men appointed travelling allowance + Rs. 15, as Plague horse allowance. supervisors in rural areas. Allowances should not be paid to every Sanitary Inspector indiscriminately, but should be sanctioned only when circumstances render their grant necessary. Fixed travelling allowance should K. Plague Inspect- be given only in the case of ors- Inspectors placed in charge (1) if Certifi- Rs. 45 pay + Rs. 15, fixed of Plague observation circles, cated travelling allowance + Rs. 15, or in the case of those whose Sanitary horse allowance. duties require them to Inspect- travel constantly. In the ors. case of all others ordinary (2) if special- Rs. 40 pay + Rs. 15, fixed travelling allowance accord- ly train- travelling allowance + Rs. ing to the rates given in the ed for 15, horse allowance. Civil Service Regulations tempo- should alone be sanctioned. rary The Collector will decide Plague the question in each case. duty. The grant of horse allow- ance depends on circum- stances ; if an Inspector is required by the Collector to keep a horse, he will draw horse allowance as long as a serviceable animal is actu- ally kept and a certificate to that effect obtained. L. Assistant Plague Rs. 15 to Rs. 25 Intended to serve in unions and Inspectors. get no allowances. M. Other tempo- Such rates as would bo suffi- Menial servants are not eligible rary subordi- cient to induce persons . to for any allowances, and should nates including take up the appointments. be conveyed from place to menial ser- place at the cost of Govern- vants. ment. (G.O., No. 984 P., dated 23rd June 1898.)