229 (v) It is to be noted that pay and allowances of officers and establishments forming part of existing departments or services whose employment on plague duty does not involve the payment of salaries to other persons for the performance of their legitimate duties (even though they may be exclusively engaged on plague duties) and not receiving extra allowances on account of plague, do not constitute "Indirect" plague charges (and of course are not "Direct" plague charges) because they do not involve extra expense. A statement should be forwarded to the Accountant-General by the 20th of each month showing the pay and allowances, drawn in the previous month, of officers and establishments so employed. (vi) From the above it will be seen that the distinc- tion between "Direct" and "Indirect" plague expenditure affects the accounts of Incorporated Local Funds expenditure and Provincial expenditure. As regards Excluded Local Funds this distinction is unnecessary and all extra expenditure, i.e., expenditure which would not have been incurred but for the occurrence or imminence of plague may be shown under the head Plague. (vii) It is a general principle that the salaries and allowances (including travelling allowance) of officers whether belonging to the Indian Civil Service, the Indian Staff Corps, the Indian Medical Service or the Army Medical Service, and of superior officers of the Forest, Survey, Customs, Salt and other departments deputed, wholly or in addition to their own duties, to perform plague duty as well as the emoluments of nurses procured from Europe and of medical men similarly procured, should be met entirely out of Provincial Funds and should not be charged directly to the funds of municipalities or local bodies. (viii) Contingent expenditure on account of plague, e.g., stationery, postage, telegrams, office furniture and such like, should be charged against the head of account to which the salaries of the officers incurring such expenditure are debited. As between independent establishments entertained to deal with plague, the principle that officers of superior grades should be charged to Provincial and officers of inferior grades to Local should be applied. With regard to dependent establishments, the principle that the charge should follow the pay of the officer on whom the establishment is dependent should hold both in regard to establishments and contin- gencies.