?232 Contingencies - (15) Extra allowances on account Tour charges. of plague of Military officers and Service postage. men who remain on the strength of Do. telegrams. their regiments though detailed for Purchase of furniture. plague duty, and all extra expendi- Repairs of do. ture due to their deputation if (in Carbon paper supplied to pass- the case of men only) their services port-issuing officers at sea- are utilized for purposes mentioned ports or at railway stations in No. (9). notified as railway inspection The extra allowances on account stations in the Fort St. George of plague of Military officers are Gazette debitable to Provincial, whether they Office expenses. are engaged for purposes mentioned Miscellaneous. in No. (9) or not. LOCAL-INDIRECT. 81-J. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION-General Establishment of Local Funds. Establishments. (16) Extra establishment em- Allowances. ployed in Local Fund offices. Contingencies. 24-A. MEDICAL-Medical Establishment. District Medical and Sanitary Officer's establishment- (17) Additions to the office estab- Establishments. lishment of District Medical and Allowances. Sanitary Officer. Contingencies. 24-B. MEDICAL-Hospitals and Dispensaries. Salaries. Establishments. (18) Extra expenditure in exist- Allowances. ing hospitals and dispensaries due Supplies and Services. to plague. Contingencies. 24-C. MEDICAL-Sanitation and Vaccination. Sanitation and Conservancy- Establishment. (19) Additions to existing sanitary Allowances. staff for plague work. Supplies and Services. Contingencies.