?238 LOCAL-DIRECT. Salaries- Salaries of Subordinate Medical officers. House-rent allowance. Plague allowance. Establishment- (20) Pay and allowances of Matrons and nurses. Medical subordinates, clerks and Compounders. passport-issuing officers employed Ward attendants and servants. in plague hospitals and at railway Storekeepers. stations not notified as railway Establishments entertained at inspection stations in the Fort St. plague camps and road frontier George Gazette and the road frontier inspection stations and at inspection stations. railway, stations not notified (21) Cost of observation staff as railway inspection stations Consisting of plague supervisors, in the Fort St. George Gazette. plague inspectors, assistant plague inspectors and their peons (Reg. 6). Allowances- (22) Ambulance staff (Regs. Travelling allowances. 9, 10 and 21). Supplies and Services- (23) Cost of camp establish- Petty construction and repairs ments superintendents and of buildings. gumastahs and menial servants Funeral expenses. (Reg. 27). Dietary charges. (24) Cost of construction of Clothing and bedding plague hospitals and "observa Cost of medicines and instru- tion," "suspect," "health" and ments and disinfectants. "staff" camps (Reg.19). Other hospital necessaries. (25) Cost of stretchers, medi- Contingencies- cal stores, disinfectants, comforts Purchase of furniture. and furniture and clothing for Repairs of do. plague hospitals (Eeg. 8). Tour charges. Nos. (20) to (25) must be Postage charges. understood as referring to ex- Telegraph charges. penditure for purposes other than Carbon paper supplied to pass- those specified in No. (9). port-issuing officers at railway (26) Extra expenditure due to stations not notified as rail- the deputation of troops on plague way inspection stations in the duties other than those specified in Fort St. George Gazette and No. (9)-See also No. (15). at road frontier inspection stations. Office expenses. Miscellaneous. (G.O., No. 1093, Financial, dated 5th October 1899.) 14. Fines recovered in prosecutions under the Plague Regulations should be credited to fines under Law and Justice. (G.O., No. 83, Judicial, dated 12th January 1899.)