?122 Extent and course of the plague [ CHAP. V. a child seen by the Health Officer on the 11th, another child, aged five years, was found sick. On the morning of the 12th, the Health Officer took the Deputy Sanitary Commissioner, Sind Registration District, to view the cases. Plague declared epidemic. " On the 19th December, at their usual weekly meeting, the Medi- cal Board declared plague epidemic in Karachi. Their report reached the Acting Commissioner on the 22nd, and was the same day communi- cated to Government by telegram, and the Principal Medical Officer was asked for daily reports of attack and deaths. The epidemic dates from the beginning of December. " These facts leave little doubt that, from the beginning of Decem- ber 1896, the disease had got a footing in Karachi. There was nothing in the mortality statistics to indicate the presence of the disease- " Week ending DEATHS FROM All CAUSES. AVERAGE DEATHS OF 5 YEARS ENDING 1895. Total. Daily aver- age. Total. Daily aver- age. 6th October 1896 83 12 65 9 13th “ “ 51 7 56 8 20th “ “ 61 9 58 8 27th “ “ 59 8 58 8 3rd November 1896 54 8 62 9 10th “ “ 59 8 65 9 17th “ “ 72 10 69 10 24th “ “ 74 11 67 10 1st December 1896 ... 80 11 70 10 8th “ “ 85 12 81 12 15th “ “ 86 12 82 12 22nd “ “ 104 15 102 15 Spread of infec- tion. The infection first spread in the insanitary and overcrowded quarter of the Old Town, and for some time it was confined to that quarter. But by the end of January it had spread into the Napier and Market quarters and thence it attacked other quarters of the city. In the Trans-Lyari Quarter the cases began to multiply in the beginning of February. The outbreaks at Kiamari and Manora were of later date.