?210 Measures in the Bombay Presidency and Sind. [CHAP. VIII. was accommodated in tents. Water was brought to within 200 yards of the camp by means of pipes and was conveyed into the camp by bhistis.* The supply was of a sound, potable character and was ample in quantity. All the inmates of the camp were supplied with rations. On arrival in camp each person had a good bath, and was provided with fresh clothes and bedding. All clothes and similar articles brought to the camp were thoroughly disinfected by dipping for 30 minutes in carbolic solution or corrosive sublimate solution, and placed in the sun to dry for five or six hours. The inmates of the camp were regularly inspected by the medical officer. New admissions were kept separate from the other inhabi- tants of the camp for the first three days of their detention. When a case of plague occurred, the tent which the patient had in- habited was struck and placed in the sun for three days. The ground was well soaked with carbolic solution and chloride of lime in solution was sprinkled about. The latrines were kept under close supervision and were attended to twice daily, the evacuations being disinfected before removal. Surgeon-Captain Thacker reports that the inmates of the camp declared themselves much pleased with the treatment they received and expresses an opinion that they improved in health and general appearance during their sojourn there. The camp was under the management of Surgeon-Captain Thacker and was well administered in every particular. " Parsi segregation camp. " The Parsi segregation camp, which was situated alongside the camp last described, consisted of four large tents capable of accommo- dating from 40 to 50 people. It was provided with bath-rooms, a cook- house, a store-house and latrines. All were thoroughly suitable for their respective purposes. The camp was under the same management as the Parsi Plague Hospital, which was situated on the opposite side of the road and was under the supervision of Surgeon-Captain Thacker." Persons segregated and plague cases amongst them. The following statement shows the total number of inmates of the different camps and the number of cases of plague which occurred amongst them :- Name of camp. Total number of inmates. Number of plague cases. General † 3,082 45 Muhammadan 659 6 Cantonment 302 2 Parsi 20 Nil TOTAL 4,063 53 * Water-carriers. † This does not include inmates discharged before the 13th March.