230 Measures in the Bombay Presidency and Sind. [CHAP. VIII. strength of the military, with unlimited officers and men and habits of rigid discipline, on the existing material, and soon had the popu- lation under thorough control." The first sittings of the Committee were attended by Surgeon-Major Reade, one of the doctors who had been through the Hong-kong plague. Disinfection of clothing and bedding before removal to camp. "He suggested the bathing and disinfecting sheds for arrivals at each camp, the disinfection of all bundles and baggage brought to the camp, and similar arrangements on leaving. These suggestions were most carefully elaborated by the Plague Committee. Disinfection of the person and personal clothing had previous to this been in the back ground, the getting of sick and healthy out of the infected houses and the disinfecting and cleaning of those houses absorbing all the time of the workers. Now immediate transference to hospi- tal and camp was working smoothly, and it was possible to perfect that control of the camps to which Surgeon-General Cleghorn has invited attention. This thorough and painstaking disinfection of the clothing and bathing of the persons in tubs with a mixture of Jeye's fluid in the water soon extended up-country with marked effect." Military search parties. "On the 25th March, the first military search party went out. It was very carefully organised and admirably managed, the civil officers accompanied by medical men taking charge of each party. The General had carefully instructed the men, and from that day for- ward there was no need for the slightest apprehension, either that the soldiers would not deal tenderly or that the people would not welcome them: not a complaint was ever preferred." Close of the operations. From this time onwards the epidemic steadily decreased, and the operations, the gradual and cautious introduction of which have been described, were carried to their successful conclusion. HYDERABAD. Course of the epidemic. In Hyderabad very thorough measures were adopted almost from the outset. After the occurrence of a number of dropping imported cases local cases began at the end of February, there was a con- siderable increase in the number of cases in the middle of March, and a still great increase at the beginning of April. The disease reached its height in the middle of that month, and the last case occurred on the 2nd of June. Organisation. At the end of January, house-to-house inspection was com- menced by Municipal officers, and in the middle of February, the town was divided into eight divisions, each in charge of a European officer, the Military officers cordially volunteering to assist. Each