342 Measures to prevent the [ CHAP. X. General rule issued by the Government of Bombay for the control of intercourse between infected and healthy localities. It will be remembered that Rule 29 of the general Bombay plague regulation gives the Commissioner of the division discretionary power to authorise plague authorities, appointed for the purpose, to prevent the passage of suspicious persons away from infected localities or into other localities, until they had been detained under observation, and their clothing, etc., had been disinfected. These plague authori- ties were allowed a wide discretion to decide what persons should be regarded as "suspicious." Other general rules issued by the Government of Bombay. The following is the substance of other rules on the same subject contained in the general plague regulations issued by the Govern- ment of Bombay:- Inspection of persons coming from infected areas. Rule 4.-Plague authorities are authorised to inspect persons coming from infected areas, and to detain suspicious subjects at places appointed for the purpose. Establishment of observation posts on roads. Rule 5.-Authority is given to District Magistrates to establish observation posts on roads leading from infected localities to other places. The officers appointed to the posts are empowered to detain for examination any person whom they suspect to be suffering from plague, and are directed, if not themselves medical officers, to give information to the nearest medical officer authorised to take action under the rule. Rule to secure the co-operation of villagers. Rule 25.-This rule was designed to secure the co-operation of the villagers in preventing the spread of plague to their villages. The village headman is directed to prevent the entrance into his village site of any person believed by him to be suffering from plague, and if any such person is found within the precincts of the village to send him in a cart or litter to the nearest isolation hospital, or if this be too far, to at once build or allot a hut for him outside the village site and detain him there until the orders of the executive officer can be procured. The rule further directs that the companions of any person suspected to be suffering from plague should not be allowed to enter the village site, but should be required to accommodate themselves outside the village during the period of their detention, reasonable assistance being given to them for this purpose. Instance illustrating the working of the rules. The following account of the precautions taken for the protection of the hill station of Mahableshwar will illustrate the manner in which these rules were worked. Arrangements to protect Mahableshwar. Mahableshwar is a hill station and sanitarium in the Satara District, and is during the hot weather months the seat of the Local