?xii Index. German Plague Commission- contd. PAGE Monkeys. Experiments made by the - in immunising, 62 Rats. Conclusions of the - on the subject of plague in, 37 Vitality of the bacillus. Experi- ments made to test the, by the - 26 Germany - Hides and skins. Regulations in - regarding the importation of, from India 420 Merchandise. Regulations in - re- stricting the import of, from India 424 Plague. Last outbreak of, in - 65 Goa- Plague cases in - 105 Quarantine at - against arrivals from India 415 Goods - (See Merchandise.) Grain - Bombay City. Precautionary measures with regard to - , adopted in, 392 Exportation of - from Sind. Pre- cautionary measures regarding, 392 Infection. - and other food-stuffs a possible source of, 392 Infection. Extent of danger of, from - and other food-stuffs 49 Infection of - by rats 48 Kankhal. Treatment of - stores at, 281 Karachi. Issue of orders against the exportation of - from, 393 Gujarat - Epidemic of 1812 to 1821 72 Gunny bags- Prohibition against bringing used - from the Bombay Presidency into other parts of India 389 Rules as to disinfection or des- truction of rags and used - im- ported from any infected locality 390 Venice Sanitary Convention. Old sacking classed as ' susceptible ' in the, 390 Guthrie, Dr. - Fever epidemic in Rohilkhand. Note by - on the, 85 Gwalior - Khandraoni. Measures taken at, 283 Khandraoni. Outbreak of plague at, 47 Singhast Mela. Arrangements re- lating to the, at Ujjain 347 H Haffkine, M.- PAGE Bombay plague. Investigation con- firming the identity of the, made by- 108 Cattle. Experiments by - on the degree of susceptibility of, to plague 38 Curative serum. Treatment by, 56 Diagnosis of plague. Instructions for the, 19 Preventive inoculation 59 Hankin Mr. - Chemical disinfectants. Experi- ments to test the action of - on the plague bacillus 27 Disinfecting agents. Experiments by - on the action of, on the floors of huts 240 Disinfection by oxidation. Remarks by - on, 244 Disinfection of houses. Rules for the, framed by - 244 Experiments of - to test the vitality of the plague bacillus 26 Hardwar - Pilgrimages to - discouraged 271 Pilgrims. Arrangements for dealing with, at - 268 Plague. Outbreak of, at - and measures taken to suppress it 268 Plague regulations enforced at - 271 Health Camp(s)- Bombay City. Erection of - in, 142 Calcutta. Arrangements for - in the neighbourhood of, 261 Hardwar. - at, 271 Hyderabad (Sind). - in, 232 Kankhal. - at, 278 Karachi. Details regarding - in, 236 Karachi. General remarks on the - in, 226 Karachi. Statistics regarding the - in, 226 Khandraoni. - at, 284 Sind. Mr. Wingate's account of the - in, 236 Sind. The - system the character- istic feature of plague administra- tion in, 224 Success. Conspicuous, of the - system 436 Sukkur. Details regarding the - in, 237