?XX Index. Marseilles- PAGE Passengers eventually allowed to land at - 410 Plague of - 65 Strict quarantine at - , 410 Marwar- Description of - 81 Plague. Outbreak of, at Pali in - in 1836 82 Mauritius - (See Réunion.) Mecca- Pilgrimage to - 427 Plague near - in 1874 67 Medicine- Treatment of plague. Uncertain results of - in the, 55 Medical Staff- Allowance granted to members of the- 396 Bombay City. - employed at hos- pitals in, 168 Bombay Port. - for the inspection of the inward sea traffic at, 360 Bombay Port. - for the inspection 364 of the outward sea traffic at, Bombay Presidency. Special - employed on plague duty in the, 395 - at railway inspection stations in Bengal 327 - at railway inspection stations in the Bombay Presidency 318 - at railway inspection stations in the North- Western Provinces 321 - at railway inspection stations in the Punjab 322 - at railway inspection stations in various provinces 328 Mengstz- Plague in the town and district of - . Annual recurrence of, 69 Merchandise - Infection. Extent of danger of, from - 50 Regulations regarding - from India enforced in other countries 416 Susceptible articles. List of, of - 51 in the Venice Convention Merwara- Description of - 81 Plague at Dewair in -- in 1837 84 Quarantine. Breach of land, cor- don round - 89 Mesopotamia - PAGE Plague. Outbreaks of, in - 67 Quarantine. Imposition of, in - against travellers from India 354 Mewar - Description of - 81 Plague in - in 1837 84 Microbe - (See Bacillus). Military - Bombay City. Aid afforded by the - in, 153 Poona. Aid afforded by the - in, 200 Poona. Good conduct of the troops at. 201 Military Staff- Allowances sanctioned for members of the - 401 Bombay City. - employed in, 154 Bombay City - . Clothing, arms and sanitary precautions 154 Guard duty. -- employed in, 400 Poona. - employed at, 200 Sanitary duty. - employed on, 400 Sukkur. - employed at, 234 Total - employed on plague duty 401 Monkeys- Experiments made by the German Plague Commission in immunis- ing - 62 Infection. Danger of, being spread by- 49 Inoculation, preventive. Experi- ments on - conducted by the Russian Commission in connec- tion with, 63 Kankhal. Plague among - at, 281 Plague. - ex tremely susceptible to, Russian Commi ssion. Experiments 39 of the, on - 57 Morocco - Regulations in - against arrivals from India 416 Morvi - Plague. Introduction of, into - in Kathiawar in 1816 74 Municipal Act - Bombay. Sections of the - of, dealing with dangerous disease 134 Calcutta. Proposed general revi- sion of the - of, 266 Calcutta. Section 334 of the - of, 129 Madras. Sections of the - of, dealing with nuisances 263