?xxiv Index. Plague- contd. PAGE Medical and military staff employ- ed in - operations 395 Medicine. Uncertain results of, in the treatment of - 55 Merchandise. - not commonly spread by, 50 Muhammadan traditional law on the subject of - 429 Operations carried out at particular - centres 197 Origin and course of - epidemics 54 Origin of the Bombay - 108 Pali -. The, 81 Period of incubation of - 19 - Mortality 13 Predisposing causes 20 Preventive inoculation. System of, against - 59 Rats. Great susceptibility of, to - 37 Regulations. Attitude of the people towards - , 146 Second attacks. Rarity of, of - 20 Seizures and deaths. Statement of reported - , in the Bombay Pre- sidency and Goa 105 Signs of - after death 15 Susceptibility of animals to the - 37 Susceptibility of man to - 6 Symptoms of - 9 Treatment of - by the sub -cuta- neous injection of a therapeutic serum 56 Types of - . Relative proportion of the different, as they occurred in Bombay 8 Warmth with dampness the most favourable condition for the development of - 52 Plague Committee(s) - Bombay. Appointment of the, - 145 Bombay Presidency and Sind Appointment of - in the, 190 Hyderabad (Sind). Appointment of a - in, 231 Karachi. Appointment of a - in, 229 Poona. Appointment of a - in, 198 Regulations. General, for - 190 Sukkur and Rohri. Appointment of a - in, 234 Police Officers - Widows and children of - employ- ed on plague duty. Pensions for, 403 Poona - Aid given by the Military 200 Ayerst, Lieutenant. Murder of 202 Death registration 204 Poona - contd. PAGE Destruction of property and pay- ment of compensation. Arrange- ments for the, 213 Detection of plague cases. Proce- dure for the, 202 Hospitals for the treatment of the sick. Descriptive account of the, 205 House-to-house search. Method of, 202 Infected houses. Cleansing and disinfection of, 211 Kirkee Cantonment. Plague in, 118 Lonavla. Plague in, 118 Plague Committee. Appointment of the -, 198 Plague Committee. Measures taken before the appointment of the, 198 Plague Committee. Minor addi- tions to the rules for the, 191 Plague Committee. Organisation of the operations of the, 198 Plague operations in - 197 Plague operations. Popular opposi- tion against the, in - 201 - Cantonment and suburban muni- cipalities 214 - City. Course of the plague in, 119 - City. Plague epidemic in, 117 -District. Plague outbreaks in, 118 Press. Disloyal and seditious articles in the local vernacular, 202 Private hospitals 206 Railway inspection station at - 313 Rand, Mr. W. C. Murder of, Chairman of the - Plague Committee 202 Recrudescence of plague in - City and District 125 Search operations in - . Mr. Rand's remarks as to difficulties in the way of , 203 Search parties 202 Segregation camps in - 208 Segregation of healthy inmates of infected houses. Arrangements for the, 208 Sewage and conservancy arrange- ments. Improved, of the city 214 Troops employed on plague duty False accusations against the con- duct of, 201 Troops. Good conduct of the, 201 Troops. Necessity for the employ- ment of, in the conduct of plague operations 200 Troops. Number of, employed 200 Portugal - Merchandise. Restrictions in - on the importation of, from India 424