?Index. xxxiii U United Kingdom- PAGE Regulations against plague in the - 408 Wool. Discussion as to the possibi- lity of infection being carried to England in, from India 421 United States- Quarantine in the - against arri- vals from India 416 V Venice Sanitary Conference - Circumstances leading up to the - 363 Convention signed by the delegates ot the Powers at the - 368 Indain delegates at the - 368 Venice Sanitary Convention of 1897- Belgium. Regulations issued in, based on the - 411 Classification. Three fold, of vessels 371 Ceylon. Regulations issued in, based on the - 414 Differences between the - of 1897 and previous sanitary conventions 369 Europe. Measures prescribed out- side of, 369 European Governments. Measures to be adopted by, 370 Egypt. Regulations issued in, based on the - 415 General scope and arrangement of the - 368 Healthy vessels 371 Infected ports. Inspection of vessels sailing from, 370 Infected vessels 371 Inward bound vessels. Regulations for the inspection of, issued in India based on the - 372 Italy. Regulations enforced in, re- vised in accordance with the - 410 Merchandise classed as susceptible by the - of 1897 390 Notification prescribed by the, 369 Outward bound vessels. Regula- tions for the inspection of, issued in India based on the - 382 Pilgrim traffic. Rules for the, 370 Ports of arrival. Measures to be adopted at, 371 Persian Gulf. Regulations for the, contained in the - 413 Precautionary measures of the prin- cipal maritime countries in close communication with India modi- fied in accordance with the - 406 Venice Sanitary Convention of 1897- contd. PAGE Quarantine, land. Modern prin- ciples of disinfection to be subs- tituted for the obsolete system of, 269 Quarantine, land. - opposed to, 293 Regulations of the - based on pre- vious Conventions 368 Red Sea. Control of traffic in the, 370 Sea traffic. Rules for the inspec- tion of, 268 Suez Canal. Regulations of the - for the passage of vessels through the, 406 Susceptible articles. List of, in the, - and the manner QÍ their treat- ment 390 Suspected vessels 371 Viegas, Dr. - Bombay. Discovery of plague in, by - 108 W Wards - Bombay City - of, 106 Bombay City. Population of the -cf, 107 Hospital - . Sanitary precautions in, 167 Plague. Course of the. in the differ- ent - of Bombay City 112 Plague. Intensity of, in different - of Bombay City 114 Water- Infection. - a possible source of, 51 Waste-paper - Bombay Presidency and Sind Bringing of - from the, into other parts of India prohibited 389 Why te, Dr.- Discussion by - on the origin and spread of plague 79 Insanitary conditions. Belief of - that plague is fostered by, 41 Kathiawar. Report by - on the plague in, 77 Remedial measures suggested by- 79 Wilkins, Surgeon-Lieutenant-Colo- nel - Bacillus. Remarks by - as to the mode of entry of the, into the system 36 Mandvi. Account of the plague in, by - 216 Segregation in Mandvi. Remarks by - on, 220