?37 APPENDIX D. [See Standing Order 24.] Salaries of officers temporarily entertained for plague duty. Designation. Salary. Remarks. A. Retired military assistant sur- geons. Pay of their grade at the time of retirement. The officers should be required to produce certificates of physical fitness, and their appointments should, in the first instance, be made for periods not exceed- ing six months. B. Temporary civil assistant sur- geons. Pay Rs. 200 a month with travelling allowance to and from the place to which they are appointed. .... c. Private sub- assistant sur- geons. Pay assigned to the corrr- eponding grades of sub- assistant surgeons in Government service. .... D. Retired sub- assistant sur- geons. Pay of their grade at the time of retirement (in addition to their pension). .... E. Plague inspectors [As in Appendix E.] .... F. Other temporary subordinates including menial servants. Such rates as would be suffi- cient to induce persons to take up the appointments. Menial servants are not eligible for any allowances, and should be conveyed from place to place at the cost of Government. APPENDIX E. [See Standing Order 24.] Pay and Allowances of Plague Inspectors. Plague inspectors will be- I. Qualified sanitary inspectors ; or II. Sub-assistant surgeons. Plague inspectors for range work should primarily "be recruited from this class. A list of men available for duty will "be kept by the Director of Public Health by whom they will be posted for plague work on the requisition of, and in consultation with, Collectors. When once an inspector has been posted, further control on the part of the G.O. No. 1080 L., dated 27th September Director of Public Health will 1905. cease, and he should not be with- drawn or transferred by the Director of Public Health without the consent of the authority employing him.