Plate XXIII.

                                    VIEW ON THE RIVER DIVIE.

THE River Divie, from which the present view is taken, rises in the upper part of the county of Moray.
A considerable part of it flows from Lochindorb, a lake of some extent, and great depth. In an island,
situated in this lake, stood a castle, or fortress, of so much consequence in ancient times, that Edward the
First, and afterwards Edward the Third, of England, in their march to Inverness, found it necessary to
besiege and take it. The ruins, still remaining, are very considerable. The river Divie runs in a very rocky
channel, and is perhaps one of the most rapid and impetuous in the north of Scotland. The banks are
very high and steep, and beautifully covered with natural wood. After a course of some length, it joins
the river Findhorn, about a quarter of a mile below the place, whence the present view is taken. The bank
on the right hand is part of a conical hill, called the Doune of Relugas, extremely steep on that side, being
220 feet in perpendicular height above the channel of the river. This word Doune signifies a fortified hill,
and is here well applied, as it is a place of great strength by nature, and much increased by art, the
remains of deep fosses and stone ramparts being very discernible: these appear to have been made to defend
it, where the river does not. It is not improbable, that this place might have been fortified during the time
the Danes were in possession of a great part of the province of Moray, and might have been one of their
outworks; or possibly a place of defence against them. In a matter of such remote antiquity we have
nothing to rely on but conjecture.

This part of the country is extremely romantic, from the great variety of ground, and extent of natural
wood, particularly on the banks of the two rivers Findhorn and Divie. They are little known, and have
escaped the attention of travellers; though it is believed few rivers afford such a variety of picturesque
scenery, of the boldest and most romantic kind. Till of late indeed this tract of country was almost
inaccessible, but now it is happily otherwise; a bridge having been some years ago erected a little below
the house of Relugas, across the Divie; and another, some years afterwards, across the Findhorn, about
seven miles below the bridge of Dulsie.