pp. 96-98]                  THE MACKENZIES                                67

Superiority of Fronterness with The Heritable Stewartry of
The Isle of Sky to his Pupill, The Superiority of Rassay and
some other Isles. At this Time MacLeod, partly by Law,
partly by Force had possessed himself of Slait and Fronterness
a great Part of MacDonald's Estate. Rorie now Knighted
by King James owned MacDonald's Cause as an injured
Neighbour, and by The same Methods that MacLeod possessed
Slait and Fronterness he recovered both from him marrying
The Heir thereof Sir Donald MacDonald to his Neice Sister
to Lord Colin, and caused him take The Lands of Fronter-
ness holden of his Pupill. Shortly after that he took The
Management of MacLean's Estate, and recovered it from
The Earl of Argyle who had fixed a Number of Debts and
Pretences on it. So by his Means all The Isles were composed
and accorded in their Debates & settled in their Estates, from
whence a full Peace ensued amongst The Isleanders, MacNeil
of Barray excepted, who had been an Hereditary Out-law.
Him by Commission Sir Rorie reduced, took in his Fort of
Kisemull, and carried him Prisoner to Edinburgh, where he
procured his Remission. The King gifted his Estate to Sir
Rorie, who restored it to MacNeil for a Sum not exceeding
his Expences and holding it of himself in Feu.

THIS Sir Rorie, as he was beneficial to all his Relations,
establishing them in free and secure Fortunes, he purchased
considerable Lands to himself in Ross and Morray besides
The Patrimony left him by his Father The Lands of Coigach
and others which in Lieu of The Lewis were given him by
his Brother. His Death was regreted as a Public Calamity,
which fell out in September 1626 in The 48th year of his

To this Sir Rorie succeeded Sir John Mackenzie of Tarbet,
and to him Sir George Mackenzie. Of whom to write might
be more Honour to him than Safety to The Writer as Matters
now stand.

[page 98.]

To Kenneth Lord Kintail succeeded Colin. His Minority
past with Advantage to his Affairs under his Uncle's Tutory.
He married Margaret Daughter to The Earl of Dumfermling
Chancellor of Scotland, by whom he had several Children.
But all of them died before him, except Two Daughters.