Young Men of his Sons called Kenneth and Rorie died at
Chanonrie in The Year 1642. His Eldest Son now alive is
called George. He is married with a Daughter of Mr. Donald
Morison. His Second Son Colin is married with a Daughter
of John Clark in Lewis. His Natural Son who was called
Hector, was married with a Daughter of Donald MacEiver.
He died at Inchrorie in The Year
Murdoh his Eldest

Daughter was married with Mr. William Lauder Minister at
Avach. His Second Daughter was married with a Gentleman
in Murray called Captain Innes. This Murdoh died at The
Lewis Anno 1643.

[page 119.]1

THE GENEALOGY of The Succession of
RORIE MOIR, who was Third Son of
KENNETH The Eighth Laird of Kintail
by his Second Lady.

THIS Rorie from his robust Body and rough Manners called
Moir was in his Youth debauched by The MacLeyes his Con-
valds, among whom he had been fostered being then somewhat
loose and a broken People to committ several Extortions upon
The King's Commons in Brae Ross and other Riots for which
and his unjust Killing of The Laird of Kildin King James
The Fifth caused apprehend him and committ him Prisoner to
The Isle of Bass, where he remained for some Time untill that,
a Stranger happening to come to Court, who boasted and
vaunted himself exceedingly of The Strength of his Body and
Skill in Wrestling wherein he excelled all such as he had
Occasion to rencounter with at The several Courts he had seen
in his Travels, and boldly challenged The Court to furnish an
Advantage of making Proof thereof among them, Whereat
The King having taken some Concern advised with some of
The Nobility about him If there might be any found out who
would adventure to take Trial of this Wrestler. At which
Time The Laird of Bass overhearing told his Majesty That

1 Pages 116, 117, and 118 of MS. are blank.