This Sir William died 18th Aprile 1467. He had also a Son
Patrick born of a Good Gentlewoman.

WILLIAM LESLEY of Craigtowie Second Son of the First
Marriage was the First Laird of Kincraigie of the Name of
Lesley. His Father Sir William got thir Lands of Kincraigie in
Marr from Alexander the First Earl of Huntley for his good
Service in assisting him at the Battle of Brechin against the Earl
of Crawfoord, as also the Lands of
in Strathbogie.

GAULDE (GOLDIE) LESLEY Daughter of the First Marriage
Barclay Laird of

ALEXANDER LESLEY eldest Son of the Second Marriage with the
Laird of Drum's Daughter was the First Laird of Wardis Lesley.

BESIDES this Alexander First Laird of Wardes some Notes
bear That this Sir William had other Two Sons and a Daughter
of his Second Marriage, to wit, George, Mr Thomas and

GEORGE LESLEY Second Son to Sir William Lesley of
Balwhaine of his Second Marriage was the First Good-Man
of New Lesley. He married Comney Ramsay Daughter to
Ramsay of Dalhoussie. She bare a Son Walter who
succeeded to him and Alexander Lesley and Three Daughters.

ALEXANDER LESLEY Second Son to George was the First
Laird of Kinninvie of the Name. When he was young he
travelled in France and Germany. At his Return he served
John Earl of Athol, and by his Father's Counsel he got from
the Earl of Athol the Lands of Kinninvie in Balveny. He
married Mareon Caddel Daughter to Alexander Caddel alias
MacPhersone. She bare to him Six Sons, Walter, Mr Alex-
ander, George, William, Mr Leonard and John Lesleys. This
Alexander built the House of Kinninvie.

[page 317.]

WALTER LESLEY his eldest Son succeeded to him.

WALTER LESLEY eldest Son to George the First of New
Lesley married Bigs1 Bisset Daughter to

Bisset of Lessendrum. She bare Five Sons, George, Henry,
John William Mitchel and 5 Daughters, Bessie, Annabell,
Christian, Jean and
Lesleys. This Walter succeeded

to his Father George, and George his Son succeeded to him.

1 'Beatrix,' interlined.