10                 GENEALOGICAL COLLECTIONS          [VOL. I
and killed many of their Followers in Anno 1526. The most
Part of the Shire of Aberdeen sided either with the One
Party or the other. So there followed many Slaughters, yea,
and of some considerable Gentlemen. But the Earl of Angus
and other Counsellours made Peace betwixt these Families.
But it lasted not long. For the Heir of the Family of Forbes
and the Laird of Linturk laid Wait for the Baron of Meldrum
a great Friend and Ally of the Lesleys, and murthered him,
and so the Quarrels broke out again more violently. But the
Nobility interposed, and banished the Murtherers, who went
to France, and were there in Misery, and so the Peace was
again patched up by Marriages, and yet there remained some
Animosities. For the House and Family of Balwhaine adhered
always to the Earls of Huntlie against the Forbeses.

Lesley died without Issue.

ISOBEL LESLEY his eldest Daughter married John Panton of
Pitmedden, and after his Death Alexander Seton of Meldrum.

JANET LESLEY 2d Daughter married Patrick Leeth of

MARGARET LESLEY 3d Daughter married                         Forbes
Good-Man of Auchintoule.

[page 321.]

AGNES LESLEY 4th Daughter married John Strathachan of

ELIZABETH LESLEY 5th Daughter married James1 Dumbar of

8. SIR JOHN LESLEY the Eighth Laird of Balwhaine suc-
ceeded to his Father Sir William, and was Shirefe of Aberdeen.
He married Margaret2 Lesley Daughter to Patrick Lesley
Provost of Aberdeen, who bare to him John and William3
Lesleys and Four Daughters, Janet, Agnes, Barbara, and
Grissel Lesleys. His eldest Son succeeded to him. He died
in France 15 February 1561, where he was to be cured of
a great Sickness. He got many Lands from the Abbacy of
Lundoris, and from the Bishoprick of Aberdeen.

1 'John,' interlined.         2 'Elizabeth,' interlined.
3 'James,' interlined.

LESLEYS Second and Third Son to this Sir William