LESLEY 4th Daughter married Alexander Barclay
of Kinharachie.

LESLEY 5th Daughter married Alexander Burnet of

LESLEY 6th Daughter married Alexander Forbes of

[page 336.]


the Son

LESLEY to Alexander Lesley of
the Daughter

Wardes with his Third Lady died both young.

4. WILLIAM LESLEY eldest Son to Alexander Lesley of
Wardes succeeded to his Father. He was Falconer to King
of great Agility and Strength of Body. It is
reported That he ordinarily used to cut the Ground behind
him when he leaped, and, since none could match him in that
Exercise, therefore the King called him WILL CUT, which Nick-
Name clave to him. He married Janet Innes Daughter to
Robert Innes of Ennermarkie. She bare many Children, Six
Sons, John, George, Mr. William, James, (which last Three
Brothers contended hardly for the Tutory of John Lesley their
Nephew Son to their eldest Brother John, and the Ply
depended long before the Lords of Session, whereby all of
them broke their own Fortunes, and wronged that of Wardes
also). This Laird of Wardes had also other Sons, i.e. Duncan
and Walter, and Four Daughters. 1.
 Grissel and Bessie Lesleys.

JOHN LESLEY his eldest Son succeeded to him.
GEORGE LESLEY 2d Son bought the Lands of Creichie ut
infra in Pa.

MR. WILLIAM LESLEY 3d Son married Elizabeth Ogilvie
Daughter to Sir George Ogilvie of Bamf. Relict of the
of Cromartie. He died, 1606, and had a Son
who died young.

JAMES LESLEY of Mylnetoun 4th Son married Margaret1
Ereskine Daughter to  Ereskine of Pittodrie. He
died in the Hospital of Aberdeen. His Wife bare Sons,
John and James Lesleys, who were both Preachers in England,
and One of them or his Son is a Bishop in Ireland. He had
also other Sons, Francis and Peter,2 Duncan and Walter,

1 'Magdalena,' interlined. 2 'Patrick,' interlined.