pp. 347-350]            THE LESLIES                       39

[page 349.]

LESLEY of DYCE Third Lawfull Cadet of
the Family of Wardes.

ALEXANDER LESLEY Third Lawfull Son to Alexander Lesley
Third Laird of Wardes got the Lands of Dyce from his Father
in Wodset and the Kirktoun of Dyce in Heritage holden of
the Earl of Huntlie. Alexander Brown in St. Andrews had
long Tacks to come of these Lands, and his Son Mr Thomas
alleged That he had the Heritage thereof. Whereupon
William Lesley Son of this Alexander sold his Right to all
the Lands to John the appearand Laird of Wardes, who
charged Mr Thomas to exhibite his Rights before the Lords,
which he failing to do, the Laird of Wardes prevailed in the
Action against him for these Lands, and so Dyce returned
again to Wardes.

THIS Alexander Lesley married, First, Isobel Lesley Daughter
Lesley of Pitcaple. She bare a Son William

Lesley called Cosie William. He sold his Right to the Lands
of Dyce to Wardes, and died at London sans Issue.

NEXT, this Alexander married Fraser Daughter
to Fraser of Philorth Widow of
of She bare Five Sons and Two Daughters,

[page 350.]

(1.) ALEXANDER, who dwelt in the Retus of Dyce and married
Hervie Daughter to Mr James Hervie of Elrick.
She bare Children. But these died sans Issue. This Alexander
died 1601.

(2.) ROBERT LESLEY dwelt in Boyn. He married Margaret
Craigmyle Daughter to Robert Craigmyle there.

(3.) WILLIAM married Lesley Daughter to Mr
Robert Lesley of Tochers.

(4.) JAMES a Captain under the Marquis of Montrose, and
Lindesay Daughter to
Lindsay of Kinfawnis.

(5.) ANDREW in Brigend. He married Forbes
Daughter to Mr James Forbes Son of Tartowie. She bare
2 Sons, who both went abroad. Next, he married
Mowbray Daughter to
Mowbray of Lochells
(Lochills), and she bare Two Daughters.