pp. 419-421]     THE BISSETS AND THE FRASERS     95

LORD Simon died at Buncrive 11th of Aprile 1633 in the
63d Year of his Age.

14th LORD Lovat succeeded his Father, who, when Master,
married Dame Isobel Weems Daughter to John Earl of
Weems Anno 1614, by whom he had 9 excellent Children,
6 Sons and 3 Daughters, Mary born at Bewly married to D. of
Balnigown Anno 1635, Ms Anna married to John Gordon
Earl of Sutherland 1638, after his Death married Lord
Arbuthnot 1650, after Arbuthnot's Death she married Andrew
Lord Fraser of Muchell. Simon Lord Hugh's eldest Son born
at Lovat 1639 died 1640. Alexander 3d Son was born 1625,
and died at Tomick 1670. Thomas 4th Son born at Lovat
1631, and died 1697.

15th LORD Hugh was 2d Son born 1620, and died Anno
1643 in Effect Lord. Will. the 5th Son born 1632 and died
Anno 1639.

[page 421.]

JAMES 6th Son born at Buncrive Aprile 13th 1633 died 1657.

DAME Isobel Weems died at Lovat Anno 1636.

LORD Hugh died at Lovat December 1645.

SIR JAMES his Brother German succeeded Tutor till 1649,
in which he died.

AFTER him Alexander turned Tutor till Anno 1660, and
died July 1670.

16th HUGH Lord Lovat born 1643 succeeded his Grand-
Father 1656 married to Anna McKenzie Daughter to Sir John
McKenzie of Tarbat 1659, by whom One Son Hugh and 3
Daughters, Anna born at Edinburgh 1660, Isobel born at
Lovat 1662, Margaret born at Lovat 1665, Hugh born at
Lovat 1666.

17th HUGH Lord Lovat succeeded his Father 1672, and
Anno 1685 married Emilia Murray Daughter to the Marquis
of Athol, by whom 2 Sons, 4 Daughters, Emilia born 1686,
Anna born 1689, Hugh the Master born Anno 1690, John
born 1695, Margaret born 1695, Katharine born

THE Lord Lovat died at St. Johnstoun witht Heir Male
September 24th 1696.

18th THOMAS (Born August 1631), who by Blood and Line
succeeded Lord was married to Sybilla McLeod Aprile 1665,
by whom he had 14 Children, Hugh, Isobel, Sybilly, Alexander,