pp. 470-474]                      THE MAULES                              125

[page 473.]

Martine of Clermont's Genealogical Collection, VOL. I.
from Page 305 to Page 322 inclusive.

MORE (by Name MAULE) their Genealogy,
Marriages, Succession &c. most from Mr.
Robert Maule a Son of the House.

THE EARL OF PANMORE bears Per pale Argent and Gules, a
Border of Eight Escullops counterchanged supported by
Two Grey Hounds.

THE or Word is Misericordia desiderium meum, the
above seems to be a Boar's Head, and the             (Latin            )

is Clery a Burn of the Barony.

THE Lands and Barony of Panmore ly in Angus in the
Sheriffdom of Forfar towards the East End of the Shire near
and at the sea extending from South and South-East to North
and North West for the Space of Five Miles marching at the
East with the Lands of Kelly. On the South Westward to
the Burn Mouth of Panmore which separates betwixt it and
Panbryde and Balmakie, and so to the Marches of Balskellie in
the Barrony of Barrie and to the Marches of Downy and unto
the Croce of Camiston Northward to Dilto Moss and Kirk-
buddo and to the South Marches of the Barony of Tovie the
Lands of Both and Grange of Connan and Guinde.

[page 474.]

THE First Charter of these Lands now extant is granted
by King William to William Valence circa Annum 1197 (it has
no Date) which also bears the Lands of Benewin (now Benvie)
and Balrudry lying in Perth Shire. And thereafter, when
Panmore was made a Barony in the Time of Christian Valence
this William's Daughter, then these Lands of Benewin and
Balrudry were united and comprehended under the Barony of
Panmore, albeit they did ly in Two distinct Sherifdomes. For,
at the granting of that Charter, Panmore was not a Barony,
because, 1, William Valence, to whom the Lands are disponed,