130               GENEALOGICAL COLLECTIONS          [VOL. I

[page 481.]

Maules came to be Proprietors of the Lands of Panmore
which King William gave to this William Valens by a Charter,
which, though it want a Date, yet it is conjectured to be
about the Year 1197, wherein he is designed Son to Philip
Valence who is thrice named in the Charter without the Desig-
nation of Quondam, which may infer that he has then been
living, and that the Charter has followed upon his Resignation
of the Lands in the King's Hands in Favours of this William
his Son, and that this Sir Philip was the rather content to
give his Son the Lands in his own Time, because it is supposed
by some that Sir Philip was then Great Chamberlain of Scot-
land, which Office by the Change of Court at King William's
Death Anno 1214 they say this Sir Philip lost, and yet that
the next Year 1215 being the First of Alexander 2d Son to
King William he was restored to the same Employment in a
Parliament at Edinburgh. So writes Mr. Robert Maule a Son
of the House in his M.S. of the Barony and Family of Panmore
in Anno 1611. But in his Additions thereto Anno 1614 he
conjectures that by King William's Charter of the Lands of
Panmore to William Valence his Father Sir Philip was dead,
and so that he is not Philip who in King Alexander the
Second his Time was restored to the Office of Chamberlain.

[page 482.]

To the Valences in Panmore succeeded the Maules, particu-
larly, Sir Peter Maule married Christian Valence Daughter to
William Valence, and so got the Fortune which their lawfull
Heirs have possessed and enjoyed continually since, as shall
appear in what follows.

THE Name of Maule came First, and originally out of Hun-
gary (according to our Historians) with Queen Agatha and
her Son Edgar the righteous Heir of the Crown of England
and his Sisters Margaret and Christian into England, where
some of them stayed, others went from that to France (during
the Wars betwixt these Two Kingdoms) and settled in the
Countries of Guien or Gasovigne and Poictowe, especially in
the First where the House of MAULEON stands. And, Lastly,
some of the Maules came from England to Scotland about the
Time of King Malcolme Canmore's Marriage who then distri-
bute to the English and Strangers who came alongst to Scot-
land with his Queen the Lands which remained with the