pp. 67-69]                      THE FORBESES                                247

the Records quoted on the opposite page it appears that his
Name was William.]1

THE CADENTS or Second Sons of JAMES


DUNCAN FORBES2 Married Christen Merser daughter to the
Provost of St Johnston and Laird of Balleiff who bear to him
William Forbes of Corsendae.

WILLIAM FORBES 2d Laird of Corsendae Married Margt
Lumsden Daughter to the Laird of Conland Relict of the
Laird of Caskiben, who bear to him James Forbes of Casendae,
Mr. Duncan Forbes of Monymusk Patrick Forbes of Ker-
muches, John Forbes of Balflug And William Forbes of New-
hills And 2 Daughters One Lady Skine and one to Gilbert
Johston of Slandingstons, He had also a Base Son begot upon
Meldrums Daughter called Alexander who Married Bess Arthur
daughter to John Arthur Mercht in Aberdeen who bear to him
Duncan, John, Robert, Walter and William Forbes's of whose
Succession wee know None Living Except Robert Forbes of
Robslaw Late provost of Aberdeen who is Descended of John
Called John the Boy.

JAMES FORBES3 3d Laird of Casendae Married Janet Gordon
daughter to the Laird of Craig who bear to him William
Forbes of Casendae.

WILLIAM FORBES 4th Laird of Casendae Married Janet

Mercarum Monetæ Scotiæ sibi pro toto Tempore Vitæ suæ concessa, per Præ-
positum, Ballivos Consules et totam communitatem burgi de Edinr annuatim
levand. de Molendinis communibus dicti burgi de le Dene &c, 2 Octobris 1478.
Charta inter 101 et 102. Lib. x.—M.

1 Part in brackets added by Macfarlane.

2 — Ch. appret. Duncano Forbes in Skeyn et Christinæ Mersare ejus

sponsæ &c de terris de Littil Johnsleis, jacent in Regalitate de Garviach infra
Vic. de Aberdene quæ appr. fuerunt a Patricio Gordon de Durnoch— Et terris
de Tullydowne jacent in Baronia de Aberchirdour, infra Vic. de Banf quæ appr
fuerunt a Alexro Innes de Eodem—7 Julii 1505.—Ch. 107, Lib. 14.—M.

3 — Ch. Conf. Jacobo Forbes de Corsindæ, de terris de Balvak in Vic. de
Aberdene 10 die Octobris 1543.—Ch. 259. Lib. 40.—M.